What trade agreements like the TPP mean to us.
would like to first thank the Committee for giving us the opportunity to submit
our opinion.
have read the TPP briefs submitted to the International Trade Committee over
the last few months and are confident that both the purported pros and cons of
the TPP have been comprehensively addressed. What is interesting from our
perspective is where the support for the TPP lies and where it does not.
surprisingly, the pro TPP submissions came from Big Business. The majority, we
noticed, were written in support of the export of agricultural commodities.
There were almost no pro TPP submissions from Canada’s value added industries
with production in Canada. That is very telling, is it not?
It is
in the anti TPP camp that you will find the family farmers, the unions, civil
society groups and, above all, ordinary citizens. Their priorities are very
these submissions assert that trade agreements like the TPP constrain
government’s ability to protect the quality of life of Canadians. Whether it is
issues around affordable health care, the outsourcing of jobs, environmental
protection, government procurement and so much more, the point is being
repeatedly made that the TPP and its predecessor, CETA, are a corporate assault
on Canada’s legislative and judicial sovereignty.
big question is: Which perspective is government going to favour? Will
government come down on the side of keeping our democratic institutions strong?
Or will you choose the side of Big Business?
We cite two reasons for our inclination to think the voice of
ordinary Canadians will not win out.
Brexit Reaction:
Roughly one third of Canada’s trade with the European Union (EU) is with Great Britain1, a country whose
citizens have just voted to exit the EU. In light of this development, one
might have expected our federal government to choose to reassess CETA.
Canada, along with the unelected European Commission, has pushed for the preliminary
or provisional ratification of CETA as quickly as possible. To use a business
analogy, imagine a corporation has negotiated a 20 year contract at a fixed
price. Then, unexpectedly at the 11th hour they discover that the
other party can only deliver two thirds of the promised market access. Would
the company respond by rushing through the deal?
way, yet that’s exactly what has happened. We think it unequivocally suggests
that government is not logical in its ideological enthusiasm for free trade.
“Excessive power in the hands of the few”2.
In an interview before her 2014 Mallory Lecture at McGill University,
Elizabeth May made two very strong statements to clarify her claim. She
referred to “the excessive control by the unelected
top party brass in all three main parties” . It’s flip side, she pointed
out, was that “MPs are expected to toe the party line on every issue, big and
extension we can’t help wondering whether the International Trade Committee,
(and this is not a critique of the hard work and integrity of individual
members) will ultimately be required to toe the line. International
trade was the top lobbying topic for Canada in 2015.3 Clearly, powerful business interests want
this deal to go through.
Indeed, it has occurred to us and others that the Trade
Committee might be merely a side show, conveniently filling time while the top
party brass waits to see what happens with the TPP in the U.S. After all, it
would be embarrassing if we rushed the TPP through and then found that the American
people succeeded in having it rejected, in spite of President Obama’s
enthusiasm for the deal.
the last 15 years the international business community and their advocates
within government have pushed Canada into signing multiple trade
agreements. The results have been, to put it mildly, disappointing. Exports to countries with
which Canada does not presently have a free trade agreement (FTA) grew six times as fast4 as to those with whom we
do have an FTA during that period.4 Meanwhile, imports from our
trade agreement partners grew twice as fast as our exports to them. And
Canada’s export performance has been the 2nd worst5 of any OECD country.
As if that is not bad enough, respected simulation studies
predict that the TPP will
- not only increase unemployment in Canada,
but will do so at a higher per capita level than in any other country.6
- increase inequality worldwide.7
- cause a 26% drop in Canada’s value added exports.8
It seems irrational to us that any democratically elected
government, aware of all of the above, might want to ratify a deal as huge as
the TPP.
Unfortunately, we Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have learned
the hard way how easy it is for bad deals to irrationally proceed. Our province
has a hydro-electric project in Labrador that is massively over budget, is
economically unfeasible, will extravagantly raise NL electricity rates, and
could come close to bankrupting the province. It was imposed on us by a
provincial government that chose to refuse any meaningful consultation process
with the public but listened intensely to the advice of powerful business
There is another potential problem. In spite of the fact that
most Newfoundlanders and Labradorians want to shut down and cut our losses in
this massive boondoggle of a project, that could be difficult to do. That’s
because our contractual obligations with big international corporations could conceivably
leave us open to huge NAFTA, and future CETA or TPP ISDS lawsuits challenges.
We raise this point because past and present Canadian governments
have tended to portray ISDS lawsuits as a necessary and acceptable risk of
engaging in trade agreements. This view continues in spite of mounting
international evidence of the extensive economic and political damage these
ISDS lawsuits have caused in other countries. Presumably, it’s more
ideologically convenient to believe all those corporate lobbyists who assert
that the trend towards multi-billion dollar lawsuits is not something that
could happen in this country.
Civil society groups understand very clearly that ISDS lawsuits --
and there will be lots under the TPP -- are an unnecessary corporate assault on
the democratic right to govern. Government is in denial on that point.
We would also suggest that, at this point in time, civil society
groups apparently understand what’s better for the Canadian economy than the
international business interests that push so hard for the ratification of
these trade deals. Government again appears to be in denial of the evidence
that supports this assessment.
In conclusion, we believe the International Trade Committee has an
enormous responsibility to do what’s right for the citizens that elected you to
office. That would be, in our opinion, a recommendation against the TPP.
Ken Kavenagh
Andrea Furlong
Marilyn Reid
for the St. John's chapter of the Council of Canadians
- Why the Canada – EU Trade Deal is in More Trouble
Than the Government Admits http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2016/07/cetaintrouble/
- http://publications.mcgill.ca/reporter/2014/03/its-arguable-that-we-now-live-in-a-dictatorship-punctuated-by-manipulated-elections-says-elizabeth-may/
- Council of Canadians: Michael
Butler’s Blog http://canadians.org/blog/bad-medicine-pt-2
- Stanford, Jim. Signing trade
deals is not synonymous with promoting trade. Progressive Economics (2016)
- Ibid
- Capaldo, Jeronim, Izurieta,
Alex and Sundaram Jomo Kwame Trading Down:Unemployment, Inequality and
Other Risks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.GDAE Working Paper 16-01 January 2016 http://www.ase.tufts.edu/gdae/policy_research/tpp_simulations.html
- Ibid
- Rashmi Banga. Trans-Pacific
Partnership Agreement (TPPA): Implications for Malaysia's Domestic
Value-Added Trade http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ecidc2014misc1_bp12.pdf