Saturday 30 January 2016

It's not just Lefties that dislike the TPP!

"10 years from now we'll call it (the TPP) the signature worst thing in policy that Canada's ever done."  To find out why former Blackberry  co-chair,  Jim Balsillie, feel so strongly about the TPP click here.
“10 years from now, we’ll call [the TPP] the signature worst thing in policy that Canada’s ever done” - See more at:
“10 years from now, we’ll call [the TPP] the signature worst thing in policy that Canada’s ever done” - See more at:
“10 years from now, we’ll call [the TPP] the signature worst thing in policy that Canada’s ever done” - See more at:
“10 years from now, we’ll call [the TPP] the signature worst thing in policy that Canada’s ever done” - See more at: